How to Sponge Paint Clouds on Your Wall or Ceiling

If you’re looking for a distinctive and creative approach to painting, try painting clouds on the walls or ceiling. Painting convincing clouds isn’t as difficult as it sounds, and it’s a fun, artistic project for the whole family. You simply need the right tools and know-how to get it done right. Check out the steps below and then get started on painting clouds on a sky backdrop in your room this weekend.

Step 1: Prepare the Room for Painting

Prep the space before you start painting. Remove furniture from the room before you start. If you can’t get all the furniture out, move it to the center of the room and cover it with drop cloths. Place drop cloths or tarps on the floor and remove window coverings, switch plates and outlet covers. Use painter’s tape to protect windowsills, baseboards, door hinges and the ceiling perimeter. If you’re painting the ceiling, first remove any ceiling fans and light fixtures.

Safety Alert!

Before you remove any electrical fixtures, turn off power to the room by turning off the breaker for that circuit at the main electrical panel. Mark the switch with a warning tag (a simple piece of tape will do) to make sure no one flips it back on while you’re working. Remove the light bulbs before you remove the fixture. Bring in portable work lighting if needed to help you see properly.

Step 2: Clean Walls and/or Ceiling

Clean the walls and ceiling—paint doesn’t adhere to dirt. Using a sponge or cloth, wipe down your walls or ceiling with all-purpose cleaner and water. Let the surfaces dry completely.

Step 3: Prime the Walls and/or Ceiling

Prime the walls or ceilings to get the best results, especially if you’re making a drastic color change to create your sky and cloud effect. If you’re priming/painting walls, apply a coat of True Value® EasyCare® Ultra Premium Interior Primer/Sealer with a roller. Apply primer widthwise in 6′ sections, using a zigzag pattern of overlapping “W” strokes. Move from right to left, then left to right, spreading evenly with vertical strokes. Let it dry thoroughly.

If you’re priming / painting a ceiling, it’s helpful to “cut in,” or outline the edge of your ceiling with a small, angled paintbrush before priming the whole ceiling. Use True Value EasyCare® Ultra Premium Interior Primer/Sealer. Then use a roller applicator on an extension pole to apply the primer in 6’ square sections on the ceiling. Use a series of overlapping “W” strokes from right to left, then back from left to right using horizontal strokes. Make sure to “feather” the edges of the squares, using less pressure when you get to the edges. This prevents creating a line when the paint overlaps from another square. Keep working with the 6’ squares until the entire ceiling is painted.

Safety Alert!

Open the windows to make sure you’ll be priming and painting in a well-ventilated area.

Step 4: Paint a Base Coat of “Sky”

Create your “sky” on which to paint the clouds. A light blue base coat is a great but also obvious choice. You can also go for a more “enchanted” effect and paint in pink, orange or another bright, non-sky color—it’s up to you and your imagination.

If you’re painting walls, dip a roller in a paint tray filled with EasyCare® Ultra Premium Interior Paint, then apply paint widthwise in 6′ sections, using a zigzag pattern of overlapping “W” strokes. Move from right to left, then left to right, spreading evenly with vertical strokes. Let it dry thoroughly.

If painting a base coat on the ceiling, dip the roller in a paint tray filled with EasyCare Ultra Premium Ceiling Paint. Roll it back and forth in the shallow end of the tray to get rid of excess paint. When the roller is evenly covered, begin rolling out 6’ square sections on the ceiling. Use a series of overlapping “W” strokes from right to left, then back from left to right using horizontal strokes. Make sure to “feather” the edges of the squares, using less pressure when you get to the edges. This prevents creating a line when the paint overlaps from another square. Keep working with the 6’ squares until the entire ceiling is painted. Use a small brush to cover wherever a roller can’t reach. You may need to apply a second coat of paint depending on color and coverage. The ceiling should dry in a few hours.

Helpful Tip

When doing brushwork along the perimeter, it’s easier to use a smaller paint container. Pour paint into a small paint cup to lighten the load.

Step 5: Paint the Clouds

Start adding clouds to your “sky.” Use a paint pail to mix one part of white paint (True Value EasyCare® Ultra Premium Interior Paint) with four parts glaze. Stir thoroughly with a stir stick to blend them completely.

Dampen a sea sponge and a piece of cheesecloth and wring them out. Dip the sponge into the glaze mixture and dab the wall or ceiling to create cloud shapes. Remember to give your clouds varying asymmetrical shapes for a more realistic and appealing effect. After finishing a cloud, wad up the cheesecloth and lightly dab it to soften and blur the cloud shapes.

Helpful Tip

Practice your cloud-creating technique on a piece of cardboard or a scrap piece of drywall before applying the glaze mixture to your wall to avoid any potential mistakes.

Continue this process across the wall or ceiling until you’ve achieved the look you want.

Step 6: Clean Up

Pick up your drop cloths or tarps and close your paint cans. Dispose of used paint cans appropriately. Cleaning paintbrushes and other tools can be made easy using warm and soapy water. Thoroughly rinse your roller covers, brushes and sponges in water until the water runs clear, and then place them in a brush/roller spinner, if you have one, to remove excess liquid. Store in their protective sleeves or hang them on nails or hooks. You can dispose of the cheesecloth. Pick up drop cloths carefully, making sure you don’t spread any paint that may have dripped on them. Next, remove painter’s tape at a 45-degree angle to avoid removing any fresh paint. Remember that the longer it stays on, the harder it is to remove.

That’s it! You’ve done it. Your room has been personalized and remade with a cloud design.

Project Shopping List

Here’s what you’ll need to complete this project successfully.